If your teens are like most, their phones are more like an extension of their limbs these days. It can be difficult to get them to disconnect from technology and connect with family while you are on vacation. That can lead to frustration and fights, which are things you do NOT want to do on your family vacation. Here are a few tips to get your teens to put down their phones while on vacation.

  1. Get them involved with the vacation planning – Plan a family meeting to decide where to take your vacation. Then ask everyone what activities and experiences they would like to have on the vacation. Or maybe let your teen plan a day or two of activities. This will get them excited about the trip and make them want to engage with the family.
  2. Set clear expectations – Before your trip, have a discussion with your teens to let them know that they are expected to participate and be present on this vacation.
  3. Schedule certain hours for unplugging – Have certain activities, like mealtimes when everyone will put their phones away. If teens know that there are times when they will be able to use their phones to communicate with friends at home or surf, they will be less likely to resent the times when you do ask them to unplug.
  4. Embrace times when teens are using their technology – Have some fun with your teens and their phones! Get in the picture, do a silly dance for their videos, and ask them to take vacation pics. They are probably better photographers than the grownups!
  5. Lead by example – Make sure you as parents are disconnecting from your phones too! Resist the temptation to check work emails or surf on your phones. When your teens see you being present during family activities, they are more likely to follow suit.

Getting teens to put down their phones during vacation can require patience, communication, and consistency. By emphasizing the value of being together as a family and planning activities that everyone will enjoy, you will be able to create those lasting memories for the entire family!